Schachclub 1961 König Nied e.V.

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Aug 08
06:00 PM Club Night (Go)
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06:00 PM Club Night (Go)
Aug 16
Aug 22
06:00 PM Club Night (Go)


Peter Staller (1942 – 2019)

With woe and grief we had to take note of the passing of our long-standing member Peter Staller (*June 3rd 1942 †July 18th 2019).

Already in the 1960s, the young talent was active for König Nied. Before he played for SC Höchst and had become Hessian Youth Champion and runner-up at the German Youth Championship. Yet shortly after the founding of SC 1961 König Nied he joined the new club, won the club's Blitz and Cup Championships and brought in precious points at the top board of our first team.

Willi Ellenberger (1933 – 2004)

Willi Ellenberger was born on May 18th 1933 in Frankfurt Nied. After completing his education in business administration, he began his career at Farbwerke Hoechst, where he eventually was promoted to the level of a department manager. With his wife Hilde he enjoyed a lifelong marriage that resulted in one daughter. 

Erich Heilig (1930 – 2010)
Erich Heilig was born on June 6th 1930. He was married and father of one daughter. On January 1st 1962, he joined SC 1961 König Nied and thus was – as none of our founding members is still among us – the most senior club member, whose long stint as public relations attendant contributed to the growth of the newly founded club in no small way.


Club Night:
6 - 8 PM
8 - 12 PM


Club Night:
From 6 PM
6 - 12 PM



Saalbau Nied
Heinrich-Stahl-Straße 3
65934 Frankfurt am Main
Nied Bahnhof